Campers at the zoo

Camper Requirements

Camp Benny provides a high counselor-to-camper ratio to serve children 6 to 11 years old who may be unable to attend regular camps in the New Orleans area but are still looking for daily activities outside the home for several weeks during the summer months.

Our goal is to create a community where every camper feels successful and connected. To do so, we ask that you be transparent and intentional when evaluating the following criteria for admission. 

Admission Levels

There are two admission tiers for campers:

Independent admission

  • Camper is toilet trained, able to communicate needs, and generally able to follow one- or two-step directions. 

Accompanied admission

  • Camper may have limited verbal skills and require some assistance with functions such as toileting, following directions, feeding, etc. These campers must have a behavior tech or “shadow” with them to assist during the day. NOTE: Shadows must be employed by a licensed ABA clinic.

Camper Expectations

  • Campers will have documentation of a diagnosis of autism either through a school IEP or a medical letter.
  • Campers will be expected to function in a small group with a counselor-to-camper ratio of 1 counselor to 3 or 4 campers.
  • Campers should not exhibit a regular pattern of aggression, self-injury, or other significant dangerous behaviors.
  • Although Camp Benny offers a contained camp environment, children should not have a pattern of elopement or escaping their environment regularly.


As many of the individuals planning this camp are parents of children on the spectrum, we understand it can be difficult to determine an appropriate fit based on a description. As such, we are happy to discuss your child’s specific needs to ensure we can create a successful camp experience for them. Please email to inquire.