Frequently Asked Questions
Camper Requirements
What are the criteria for participation at Camp Benny?
Camp Benny serves children in a 4:1 camper/counselor environment. To ensure camp is a safe, enjoyable, and enriching experience for all participants, the following criteria helps to determine if the camp is a good fit for each child:
- Age Requirements: Participants will fall within the specified age range of 6-11 years old.
- Diagnosis: Each child will have a documented autism diagnosis.
- Communication Abilities: Children should be able to communicate about basic needs.
- Behavior Requirements: Participants should not exhibit behaviors that pose a danger to themselves or others, such as physical aggression or self-injury. We expect all participants to follow basic safety instructions (e.g.,staying with the group, hands to themselves, no biting behaviors).
- Independence Level: We expect that participants will be able to perform basic self-care tasks (e.g., eating and toileting) with minimal assistance. If additional support is required, parents/guardians may need to provide a one-on-one aide approved by the camp.
- Participation in Group Activities: Participants should demonstrate the ability to engage in structured group activities for short periods independently or with reasonable accommodations.
- Support Needs: Camp Benny staff will reasonably accommodate each participant’s support needs, including sensory preferences, dietary restrictions, and any medical or behavioral intervention plans.
- Parent/Guardian Collaboration: Parents/guardians must actively participate in the intake process, including providing detailed information about the child’s needs and attending a pre-camp orientation. Parents/guardians must provide information related to triggers, behaviors when dysregulated, and strategies that assist in calming the child when they are upset/dysregulated.
These criteria are designed to prioritize the safety and success of each camper while ensuring the camp’s resources are appropriately aligned to meet participants’ needs.
Does my camper need to be potty trained to attend camp?
All campers must be potty trained. Children in diapers or pull-ups are not able to attend camp.
Can my camper bring electronics or personal belongings to camp?
Campers should leave personal technology, toys, and sports equipment at home unless approved for specific activities. Cell phones and electronics are not allowed on camp property. Camp Benny is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings.
What do I send my camper with each day?
Campers should bring a backpack daily with a refillable water bottle and lunch. It may also include sunscreen, as well as a swimsuit and towel for water days.
We will provide afternoon snacks to campers. On your medical form, please inform us of any dietary restrictions and preferences.
Please apply sunscreen to your camper before camp. To have it reapplied by a counselor, you will have to sign a sunscreen waiver that will be supplied to you.
Younger campers should also pack a change of clothes. Label all belongings with your camper’s name.
Is a camp shirt required?
Each camper will receive one camp shirt with their registration. Camp shirts are suggested, but not required. We would like to request that campers do wear their camp shirts on Fridays. Additional camp shirts are available for purchase for those who would like their child to wear a camp shirt daily.
Medical Needs & Emergencies
My camper has allergies. How is that handled at camp?
When registering your camper, please include any allergies they have in the designated field, including food allergies and whether they will be bringing an Epi-Pen to camp. This information will be shared with the Camp Director and your camper’s counselors. During lunchtime, campers with severe food allergies will be asked to sit at a table designated for those with allergies.
My camper has a medical condition. How is that handled at camp?
When registering your camper, please provide detailed information about any allergies or special needs/individual requirements in the designated field. This will help us accommodate your camper’s needs effectively. We will reach out before camp if we have any questions at campbenny@beignetfest.com.
If your camper needs an Epi-Pen or Inhaler, please include these details on the medication form. Hand the Epi-Pen or Inhaler to a staff member during drop-off, as it will be carried by your camper’s counselor throughout the camp day to ensure it is readily available. Do not leave these items in your camper’s bag.
My camper takes medication at midday. How is that handled at camp?
All medication is stored and administered at the camp office. Parents/guardians must complete a medication form, signed by a doctor, and submit it with dosage instructions. This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter medications. The form is available to download from your parent portal once you have registered for camp.
What happens if there is an emergency at camp? How will we be notified?
Camp Benny has different levels of incident reporting and a process we follow by level to notify parents when situations at camp occur.
Level 1 Incident
Minor scrapes, bumps, accidental physical interaction with another camper.
Parent Notification: Email sent to parent.
Level 2 Incident
Head & bodily injury, blood, excessive tears, fever, vomit, dizziness, heat exhaustion, an altercation with another camper, or anything considered major.
Parent Notification: Phone call to parent.
Level 3 Incident
Any inappropriate or uncomfortable touching, bullying, physical attack with or without injury inflicted on or by another camper, racial slurs, excessive language, or any incident that involves severe behavior, language, or disruption at camp.
Parent Notification: Phone call to parent immediately.
Level 4 Incident
Weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vapes, serious physical or emotional harm/injury inflicted towards another person.*
Parent Notification: Phone call/in-person meeting with parent and consideration of immediate expulsion from camp.
Incidents involving emergency agencies
All parents will be notified via email or text if a concerning situation occurs where police, EMS, Fire Dept. or other emergency agencies are needed on-site or are on campus grounds. (active shooter, tornado, shelter in place, etc.)
Weather Incidents
For weather-related closure events, parents will be notified via email or text based on the next steps needed to ensure a camper’s safety.
General Camp Information
Is Kidcam licensed/accredited?
Kidcam Camps is proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA), which means the camp undergoes an annual review of up to 300 standards, covering staff qualifications, training, and emergency management.
The ACA partners with experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Red Cross, to ensure camps follow the latest safety and operational practices. This accreditation assures families that Kidcam is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment for campers, with standards recognized by legal and government authorities.
What does a typical day at camp entail?
A typical schedule includes activities to enhance gross, fine, visual and oral motor skills, including, but not limited to Movement, Sensory/Tactile, Art, Music, Games, Food Adventures, Life Skills, Home Helpers (Activities of Daily Living), and Outdoor games. A schedule will be posted prior to camp, based on campers interests, strengths, and needs.
Is food provided at camp?
Due to the varying dietary needs of our campers, we require campers to bring their lunch daily. Camp Benny provides snacks, keeping individual camper dietary needs in mind.
Am I able to tour the camp location?
Yes! We hold Open House/Information Sessions. Please email campbenny@beignetfest.com for upcoming dates.
How do you group campers?
Campers are grouped by age, with a 4:1 camper-to-counselor ratio to ensure personalized attention and a supportive environment.
What are camp hours? Do you offer extended hours?
Camp Benny runs Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. We begin taking in campers at 8:30 am and structured activities will begin by 9:00 am. Campers will be dismissed starting at 3:00 pm.
We do not currently offer before care or after care. We will monitor the feasibility and need for before and after care and consider implementing it in future years.
Application & Financial Information
What are the costs of the camp? Is financial assistance available?
Camp Benny is a nonprofit, mission-driven project of the Beignet Fest Foundation and has an advisory board comprised of clinical professionals who work with individuals with autism and parents of children on the autism spectrum. As such, we understand and recognize the needs of children on the spectrum.
We seek to provide a space and accommodations to serve participants appropriately while making the camp as accessible as possible. Camp costs have been designed with this in mind.
- Registration: $50 for each camper
- Tuition: $350 per week per camper*
*Campers must register for an entire three-week session. A limited number of campers will be able to register for both three-week sessions.
Financial assistance is available for children who are on the free and reduced lunch program. Please inquire at campbenny@beignetfest.com.
What is the application and acceptance process?
The application process for Camp Benny starts on February 1 and will stay open through early March. Campers will be accepted as applications are submitted and based on the criteria for participation.
Families will be notified on March 21 of acceptance/waitlist status. Accepted families will be guided through the registration/payment process after March 22. Payments can be made via debit/credit card on the registration portal.
Do you accept FSA or CCAP?
Camp Benny is classified as a recreational activity, not daycare, so FSA cards cannot be used directly. However, you can pay using a personal card, print your receipt that’s emailed, and can be found on your Camp Account Details page of the Parent Portal, and submit it for reimbursement through your FSA provider.
Camp Benny does not accept CCAP, but dependent healthcare accounts may reimburse summer camp fees based on receipts, though automatic payment processing isn’t available.
Can I get a refund?
Requests must be made at least four weeks before the start of the enrollment week; no refunds will be issued after this period. Non-attendance does not qualify for a refund as space, time, and staffing are reserved. A $10 administrative fee applies to all tuition refunds. Refund requests must be emailed to accounting@kidcamcamps.com.
Exceptions for refunds include:
- If a child is dismissed from camp due to injury or after conversations with a director, refunds will be provided for future weeks but not for the current week.
- If camp closes for two or more days due to weather or sickness, refund procedures will be determined at that time.
Refunds are not given for days that are missed.
For questions not covered above, please email campbenny@beignetfest.com.